The aroma of freshly-baked matzah wafted through the air at the University of New South Wales last week as Jewish students made the unleavened bread in preparation for Passover.

The event, a joint effort between the Australian Union of Jewish Students, Young Adult Chabad and the Yeshiva Gedolah Rabbinical College, was held in the university's commerce courtyard during a lunch break. It mirrored scores of similar programs conducted by Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries at college campuses throughout the world in the days and weeks leading up to Passover.

Leading the dough-rolling was AUJS national president Jessica Roth and Hillel director Gary Samowitz.


"The model matzah bakery is a great opportunity to present Passover to students in a cool and informal way," said Rabbi Eli Feldman, director of Young Adult Chabad. "It was really well received by the students, with people commenting how excited they were to see the bakery and that they have''t done this since they were back in primary school."

Organizers of the event livened up the proceeds by singing popular Passover songs accompanied by Shmully Davidoff on the guitar.

"Special thanks go to the Australian Union of Jewish Students executive at the university and, in particular, religious officer Nathan Landis for their efforts in making the event possible," said Feldman.

Young Adult Chabad, one of some 130 campus-based Chabad Houses, works with the Jewish students union on a range of programs on university campuses in Australia.