When dozens of Jewish judges, attorneys and legal scholars from around the nation converge on Chicago’s prestigious Standard Club this week, they’ll get right down to business: sharpening their skills, improving their knowledge and discussing contemporary ethical issues.
Among the many offerings of the third annual National Conference of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists are presentations from deputy president of the Supreme Court of Israel Elyakim Rubinstein; a discussion on the case Apple v. FBI with Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe, dean of the Institute of American and Talmudic Law in New York City; a talk by Washington, D.C.-based attorney Nathan Lewin; and many sessions on the intersection of Jewish and secular law in Israel and the United States from an array of Talmudic and legal scholars.
There’s even a session on “Talmud and Taxes.”
“This conference stands out in the fact that it is not just intellectually stimulating, but also inspiring,” says organizer Rabbi Meir Hecht of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois. “I find it particularly gratifying when participants see how their professional lives are connected to their Jewish heritage in a chain of tradition that began with Moses and continues today.”
Those in attendance will also have time to socialize and network over gourmet kosher meals for the duration of the two-day conference, which begins on Tuesday, May 17.
As a bonus, attorneys will earn 6.5 hours of MCLE general or ethics credits with reciprocity in almost all states.
For more information, visit the conference web site here.

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