The 19th district, or “arrondissement” of Paris, France, is home to a bustling Jewish community, dubbed by some as “Petit Jerusalem.” It is also home to four retirement facilities with a proportionally large number of elderly Jewish residents.
That gives Rabbi Yaakov Zerbib, who directs senior programming for Beth Chabad-Lubavitch of Paris, under the leadership of Rabbi Levi Azimov, much work to do on any given day. Not limited to the city’s Jewish corner, Zerbib is in contact with more than 400 senior homes throughout the country, regularly sending them communications for holidays and arranging personal visitations through the vast network of Chabad emissaries in France.
Just days ago, everything was all set for the holiday of Purim, and like every year, the Jewish senior community of France had much holiday cheer on tap.
That all changed overnight when the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) escalated dramatically. The day before the holiday, Zerbib was informed by many facilities that they were no longer allowing any visitors and keeping their residents from congregating together for fear of contracting and/or spreading the virus, which has proven to be disproportionately fatal with the senior demographic.
“We’re not letting this get in our way whatsoever,” Zerbib told “Now, more than ever, they need us to be there for them, and we plan on adapting to the reality and doing whatever we can.”
Indeed, Zerbib has adopted a three-pronged strategy to best aid the community that needs it most. First, he—along with a veritable army of volunteers—has set up a war room for phone calls. Thanks to the extensive lists amassed over the years, there are plenty of people to call, and the plan is to reach every one of them, checking in and making sure they’re OK and offering to help.
Second, they are preparing “Shabbat in a Box” to be available to every Chabad rabbi in the country to bring to the senior homes in their communities. Neatly packaged and thoroughly sterile, the boxes will be delivered by the rabbis and their volunteers, who will stand outside the homes and deliver them to the personnel there, ensuring that no Jew is without their basic Shabbat needs.
Third, looking ahead to the holiday of Passover, Zerbib is spearheading a massive matzah campaign in the hope that every Jewish senior in France will receive his or her own box of shmurah matzah. While in regular times, the local rabbi would come in and lead a Seder for the residents, Zerbib has begun training sessions for the staff members of these retirement homes, training them how to lead one for their Jewish residents.

Tireless Efforts in Phoenix and Florida
Director of Chabad of Arizona’s Smile on Seniors program in the Phoenix area, Rabbi Levi Levertov and his wife, Chani, are good friends with hundreds of Jewish retirees, residents of senior homes and others in assisted-living facilities in the sunny desert state with a large population of retirees. On a regular week, Rabbi Levertov is busy with visitations, classes, lectures and Shabbat dinners for this particular demographic.
After he sent out communications to the senior community about the new changes for these times, Betsy and Robert Greenberg responded, “Your email this morning was so touching, bringing us to tears. We thank you and Chani for your tireless efforts. You are truly a spiritual leader and an inspiration for us.”
What inspired them so? Well, like his colleague in France, Levertov is taking action, nimbly adapting to the times and trying to make sure that no one feels isolated or deserted. Denied the opportunity to visit friends in their homes, he has taken to the phone, going through lists of names and checking up on anyone he can. Aided by volunteers, he plans to reach everyone he knows—and some he doesn’t.
“Shabbat in a Box” is on order as well.
Following the guidelines of the Arizona Department of Health Services, Levertov is setting up online lectures, lessons and personal study sessions to keep people learning and engaged.
Rabbi Menachem Smith who, together with his wife, Devorah Leah, directs Chabad’s United Jewish Generations of Dade and Broward County, Fla., has learned his fair share of adapting, too. “I never had a YouTube channel until now, but now that I’m unable to enter into any of the homes and learn with people, I have no choice.”
Reacting to their efforts, Ruth R. exclaimed, “Your wife and you run the most amazing organization for a segment of the community that is often neglected.”

Efforts Down Under
When contacted by, Rabbi Menachem Stern of Smile on Seniors in Melbourne, Australia, was candid about the impact the novel virus is having on his regular programming.
“Much of what we do is bringing children and seniors together. We work with the local Jewish schools and bring the children to the homes to engage and entertain the seniors. Understandably, that is all canceled for now.”
Undeterred, Stern is cooking up a plan. Like his colleagues in Paris, Phoenix and Florida, he, too, is taking to the phone, checking in on his many friends and offering help. And like his international colleagues, he, too, is turning to the wonders of the internet to bring Torah, cheer and goodwill to the seniors who so desperately need it.
“We’re doing our best to make sure that no one feels isolated or forgotten,” he affirmed.
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